The project “My Career from Zero to Hero – strengthening networks of Western Balkan CSOs to implement innovative youth employability model for future jobs of 4.0. digital revolution“ is a joint three-year programme of Centre for Youth Work – CZOR (Serbia), Forum MNE (Montenegro), Center for Youth Education – CEM (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Youth for Social Changes – YSC (Albania) and TOKA (Kosovo).
02hero is an integrated model for NEET youth employability, based on one-stop-shop methodology, which provides all youth employability services at one place for developing skills for future jobs of 4.0 digital revolution. 02hero model includes following services: 1. youth outreach, 2. developing digital skills through practical work and mentorship support, 3. developing transferable skills, 4. developing entrepreneurial skills, 5. online educational tutorials, 6. career counselling and 7. networking.
Project’s objectives
Overall objective is to enhance the capacities of civil society to be effective and accountable independent actor able to engage constructively with governments on identified thematic priority of innovative solution for youth employment in the Western Balkan Strategy.
Specific objective is to enhance capacities of grass root civil society organizations in Western Balkan for networking, merging resources and expertise in order to implement innovative and sustainable youth employability model for future jobs of 4.0 digital revolution, respecting “one-stop-shop” methodology and cross-sector cooperation.
Project’s activities
- Conducting 5 mapping studies about stakeholders’ needs for implementing integrated services for youth employability in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo;
- Development of innovative youth employability models for future jobs of 4.0 digital revolution in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo;
- Conducting 5 national conferences in order to present mapping study results and designed innovative youth employability models for future jobs of 4.0 digital revolution in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo;
- Sub-granting open call for civil society organizations for implementation of services within designed innovative youth employability models for future jobs of 4.0 digital revolution in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo;
- Regional capacity building for selected civil society organizations for implementation of services within designed innovative youth employability models for future jobs of 4.0 digital revolution
- Outreaching, informing and selecting youth who are not employed, nor in education or training, to participate in 02hero programme in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo;
- Implementation of courses for developing transferable and digital skills through practical work and mentorship support and career counselling in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo;
- Development of online educational tutorials for developing digital skills which will be available to all youth form Western Balkan and EU;
- Conducting 10 public events for networking between youth and employers in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo;
- Implementation of course for developing entrepreneurial skills, which include national and regional module in order to connect youth from Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo;
- Call, selection and recruitment of business mentors to provide mentorship support to the youth in conducting market research and developing business ideas;
- Conducting 5 national public events for youth contest for the best business idea in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo;
- Conducting 5 national evaluation events in order to improve innovative youth employability models for future jobs of 4.0 digital revolution in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo;
02hero is funded by European Union and implementation of the project is supported in each country by: Serbia – Swiss government through project “Education to Employment – E2E“ which on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, is implemented by Social Inclusion and Poverty Unit (SIPRU), City of Novi Sad i European Youth Capital Novi Sad (OPENS).; Montenegro – Ministry of Public Administration of the Republic of Montenegro.