Within the regional project “My Career from Zero to Hero“, implemented by the partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Albania, BeeZone Business Incubator of Center for Youth Education (CEM) organizes an online conference “NEET 4 Change – The Invisible resource”.
The focus of the conference is the position and needs of the NEET population (unemployed young people who are not in the process of formal and/or non-formal education or training), as an invisible resource for society development through employment and work in IT activities, as the fastest growing sector of the modern age.
NEET population, as a specific social group, is the focus of the project “My Career from Zero to Hero”, which aims to create a network of civil society organizations in the aforementioned Western Balkan countries, empowered to work directly with the NEET population and open opportunities for their employment and self-employment, using one-stop-shop methodology.
It is a methodology that will provides the NEET population with access to educational programs, comprehensive support in the development of their business ideas, access to funds and mentoring in the first years of their business.
The conference “NEET 4 Change – Invisible Resource” will be organized on February 12, 2021 via Zoom online platform from 10:00 to 12:00, and the participants will have the opportunity to get familiar with the following topics:
- The first comprehensive mapping study on the needs and the status of the NEET population, needs and the possibilities of the employers, state agencies and CSOs which deal with the issues of the NEET population. The research is implemented by Center for Youth Education on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Who is considered NEET and what are the challenges the organizations and state agencies face when working with NEET population? What kind of strategies can be used to establish the communication with the NEET population?
- Opportunities for employment, self-employment and entrepreneurship in IT sector as “the business of the future” for the NEET population.
- Opportunities for further education and retraining in IT sector through the programs of formal and non-formal education, aimed to boost the employability of the NEET population and their competitiveness on the modern labor market.
- Access to the funds for strengthening the entrepreneurial infrastructure through the organizations implementing programs boosting entrepreneurship and employment of the NEET population.
The conference is open for all the participants interested and can be attended via link: shorturl.at/cjnwB
The four-year-long project “My Career from Zero to Hero” is implemented by the partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina (Center for Youth Education), Serbia (Center for Youth Work), Kosovo (TOKA), Montenegro (Forum MNE) and Albania (Youth for Social Change), and funded by the European Union.