Call for applications for Zero2Heo training program for programming for mobile applications is extended until 5th of November 2021 23:59. All information regarding the training course which will help you to enter the IT industry you can find in this call.
About the training program
The My Career from Zero to Hero training program for mobile application development is designed for 25 young people motivated to pursue a career in IT. The training program includes three different courses that will run parallelly during six months, and one public event at the end of the training:
1.1 Digital skills course – mobile application development
1.2 Transferable skills course
1.3 Career counselling course
1.4 Showcase day
IT companies continuously emphasize the importance of both technical skills and soft skills when recruiting new employees, which is why this program was developed with the aim to cover the full range of skills needed for employment. The digital skills course will provide the knowledge and technical skills participants need for a job in IT, while the transferable skills course will help participants develop their soft skills, such as leadership, time management, team work, and conflict management to help adapt to the fast-paced environment. The career counselling course will prove additional support for participants, including training and individual support through mentorship to make sure each participant develops their career path. After completing the courses, the participants of the program will have a chance to present themselves and their work at the showcase day. Representatives from a number of IT companies will be there, giving the participants a chance to find employment.
Who can apply for this training program?
If you’re having trouble finding employment, you may have considered switching to a career in IT. There are a number of courses out there, but what makes the My Career from Zero to Hero training program stand out is that it covers the full set of skills needed for employment over the course of six months completely free. Our lecturers and mentors work in the industry and strive to provide guidance based on their own experience, meaning that the knowledge would be very practical and applicable. If you’re between the ages of 17 to 30, with basic knowledge in programming and speak English well, you are the right candidate for this program!
Priority during the selection process will be given to young people who are not employed, or enrolled in school or college.
The training program is completely free of charge, with the condition of minimum 80% attendance of the complete program. Before starting the program, every participant will sign the scholarship agreement, where all the conditions will be specified in detail.
Courses included in the training program
1.1 Mobile application development
About the course
The mobile application development course featuring the use of C#/NETnd.Xamarin includes theory, practical work and mentorship support for participants. This course will take place two times a week, over a six-month period. The goal of this course is to get you equipped with the knowledge and skills needed for employment or internship at the position of Junior Software Developer for mobile applications. After finishing the course, you will be able to work in teams working on developing mobile applications, or work independently on tasks of small to medium complexity.
Trainers and mentors

Has more than 5 years of experience in software engineering and a variety of projects, from smaller – mobile and desktop to larger cloud solutions. Has experience in mentoring and teaching interns in the company, as well as holding demos and presentations to clients and other colleagues. He has been interested in computers since he was a child, and his hobby eventually became his work.

Filip is a software developer with over 5 years of experience working on complex projects. He has experience in mentoring and presenting. He loves this line of work because it gives him the freedom to create complex things that help other people.
Bachelor (appl.) of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Software Developer - Union Studio

Milan is a software engineer with over 5 years of experience working on projects like video games to complex full-stack solutions. He enjoys working in this field because it constantly opens new and exciting challenges.

Saša has over 3 years of experience in developing Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms applications, as well as work on the Outsystems platform. A lover of software, videogames, and boardgames, he’s always in the mood to learn new things and discover new technologies. He loves working with people and solving complex software problems.

Stefan has been professionally working in the software development for almost 4 years. His love for computers started at an early age, he wrote his first code when he was in 7th grade. To him, the beauty of this line of work is that you get to spend your day solving logical puzzles and you’re surrounded with extremely intelligent people that you can learn a lot from.
1.2 Transferable skills
About the course
Transferable skills are highly valued on the labor market. They include a set of skills a person can apply in different workplaces and industries. Within the transferable skills course you’ll complete three different modules:
- Business communication and ethics – I module
- Teamwork and leadership – II module
- Conflict transformation – Regional
Each module includes theory and practical work, and lasts for 4 days. The first two modules will take place in Novi Sad, while the third module, conflict transformation, will take place in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where you will get a chance to meet young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo and Albania.
Within this course you will have the opportunity to develop a proactive approach to problems that arise at the workplace, critical thinking skills, learn to communicate efficiently, successfully work within a team using individual capacities as a resource, develop resilience and self-esteem in order to provide adequate answers to the fast changes and stressful situations at work, use conflicts as a resource for development.
1.3 Career counselling
About the course
The career counselling course will provide the support you need in order to be prepared for the labor market. The main goal of this course is to help you work on the professional knowledge and skills required for your career of choice.
The course includes two training programs focused on understanding the career planning process, CV and motivation letter preparation and job interview preparations. After completion of the training, you will have additional individual support through mentorship.
Trainers and mentors

HR manager with 6 years of experience working in human resources in different industries. She believes that only satisfied, fulfilled and proactive employee can reach the best results.

Master psychologist with 7 years of experience in career guidance and counseling. She developed excellent organizational and communication skill that helps her to support individuals’ and organizations’ growth.
1.4 Showcase day
About the showcase day
After completing the 6-month training program, you will get the opportunity to connect with potential employers. At the public event called “showcase day” you will get the chance to present your work to potential employers from the IT sector, SMEs business and CSO representatives that will be invited as potential employers. You’ll get a chance to show off what you’ve learned, presenting and answering questions posed by the employers. This will be a one-off opportunity to present both your soft skills and technical skills, presenting your final project, and marketing yourself as a professional in the IT field looking for employment.
How to apply for this training programme?
It’s easy! Please follow the link and fill in the application form.
Apply for this training programmeAfter receiving your application form we will send you the test on your email. You will have 72 hours to work on the test. You can apply for this training program until 5th November 2021 23:59.
If you have any additional questions about the program or need support to fill in the application form, please feel free to contact our youth workers:
Isidora Paklar, 063/339-222, isidora.paklar@czor.org, @isi_dora_the_explorer
Dajna Marinkovic, 064/657-8286, dajna.marinkovic@czor.org, @dajna.czor
How will we choose you?
Based on the quality of received applications and tests, we will choose candidates for the interviews with our trainers and mentors. As you could see based on the biographies, they’re a great bunch!