Mapping Study Findings to Increase NEET Youth Capacities for Employment
Research on the needs of stakeholders for the implementation of the one-stop-shop NEET youth employability model with focus on Industry 4.0.
Report on the Mapping Study Conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina
This mapping study was conducted to serve as a base for scaling and improvement of the developed and tested one-stop shop model of education within the project “My Career from Zero to Hero”. The aim of the study was to identify the current state of affairs in Bosnia in Herzegovina, related to the employability of youth in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution jobs.
National Report on the Mapping Study Conducted in Montenegro
As part of the project "My Career from Zero to Hero", a mapping study was conducted in Montenegro. Surveys were conducted with NEETs, representatives of IT and small and medium enterprises and civil society organizations, as well as representatives of state and local administration involved in communication with NEET population.
Mapping Study: Unemployment among Youth in Albania – Causes and Recommendations
The presented baseline aims to provide a snapshot of several unemployment issues related particularly to an important share of youth population in Albania- the youth who are not in employment, education or training (NEET).
Report on the Mapping Study Conducted in Kosovo
A mapping study was conducted to identify the gaps of NEET population according to Information and Technology (IT) and Small Medium Enterprises (SME) organizations, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), and Governmental Institutions in Kosovo.